Our campaigns

Our campaigns are divided across two programmes, the Safety and Justice Programme and the Local Government Programme.

The Safety and Justice Programme campaigns for improved policing and an improved criminal justice system, while the Local Government Programme leads our work on informal settlement services and infrastructure.


Access to water and toilets that are healthy, dignified and safe remains a challenge for millions of people across South Africa, and especially for residents of informal settlements.


Our SJC10 case successfully challenged the criminalisation of peaceful protest without notice for over 15 people. The Constitutional Court ruled s12(1)(a) of the Gatherings Act unconstitutional in November 2018.

Police Resources

Our police resources campaign aims to compel SAPS to reallocate the number of police officers more equitably. Poor, Black areas with higher levels if violent crime have fewer officers than wealthy, white areas with less crime.

Effective Public Lighting

The formal & informal areas of Khayelitsha are lit almost entirely by high-mast lights, which were used by the apartheid government to police townships. Our campaign aims to improve public lighting to improve safety in informal settlements.

Ugrading Informal Settlements

Our Land Tenure & Informal Settlement Upgrading campaign deals with land, housing, basic services & a lack of accountability & transparency from government.

Budget Justice

We analyse the City’s budget and work with communities in our campaign for a budget that focuses on people living in informal residents where there is the greatest and most severe need.

Social Audits

Social Audits are a key community-based research tool for participation and accountability